Tips For Camping In The Snow
Camping in the snow is known to add a whole lot of new challenges and fun to normal camping routine. As it gets more serious and colder, the winter weather, you will need adequate gear to park in. Some of the things you need include crampons, Snow Shoes, Skins, sleeping bags, and more. Just before you realize your pack is weighing over 80 pounds. This post provides useful tips that help people to camp in the snow.
Preparation for the worst
During the winter, the trails are covered with snow and ice. Thus, it is your duty to determine who you can make it to your camp alive. During summer, you can clearly recognize the trails as they are marked with signs or there are many people on the trail. Unfortunately, winter has very few or zero people on the trail. Moreover, everything you need is under the snow.
Ensure before you get out of your door, you have a detailed map, and understood vital terrain features. Even though it may look like a winter wonderland, there is a possibility of it turning into hell in very few minutes. In fact, in such time of the year, storms are likely to white out the areas you know in a short time. Thus, you can easily be confused and disoriented. Storms and thick cloud cover can throw off your GPS. Therefore, ensure you are equipped with a compass and old map ready as they can save your life. You should note be scared to wait out the storm. You can survive several days by building a good snow cave.
Food and water
After setting up the camp, you need to sit down and enjoy a refreshing drink and a hot meal. What if you open you Nalgene and find it filled with ice? Thus, you need a jet boil canister. You should have it close to your body as you hike. Avoid placing it directly on the snow as it may fail to work.
Take care of the gear
If you take proper care of the gear, then it will equally take care of you. Ensure you stop a problem that arises before you start snow camping. In the summer, there is no problem having your gear soaked by rain. However, in winter, having a wet gear may end up killing you. Use a bristle brush to remove off any snow from your gear. If snow is left to continue accumulating just like dirt, it will end making your gear and clothing wet.